ScriptRunner HQ

The ScriptRunner team wanted to upload some Getting Started guides, but weren’t sure where to put them. 

The team was unsure whether to place the guides under ‘Help’ or ‘Inspiration’.

Our team





Nov 2023

Our research process

Our research process
  • We designed an interactive prototype of the Getting Started guides with links in two places of the mocked-up website.

  • We invited English-speaking testers from an online recruitment panel who had some coding experience (to avoid barriers such as them not being able to understand the questions).

  • The participants were asked to find the link to the Getting Started guides in the prototype as if they were navigating a website. Their interactions with the prototype were recorded. 

  • We asked the participants follow-up questions on how easy or intuitive it was to complete the task.

  • While we assumed that participants would be more likely to search for the guides under ‘Help’ than ‘Inspiration’ in the menu bar, we found they were also clicking on the ‘Support’ section at the bottom of the page. Several participants said they were surprised not to find it there.

Summary of findings

Summary of findings

Users have varying expectations on where to find getting started guides so multiple routes should be considered. Links ‘compete’ with other content so they need to stand out from the rest of the information on the page.

Links not prominent

Participants struggled to identify the correct links among other elements on the page, especially in content heavy areas

All the wrong places

Participants expressed varied assumptions on where to find the guides, often missing the seemingly obvious

Navigation problematic

Some participants clicked on seemingly random sections such as ‘View Apps’ expecting different content

Our Recomendations

Our Recomendations
Make links stand out

Colours, size and spacing should be used more to make the links more clear and obvious

Link to support

Include relevant links across the website to guide users to all the relevant support materials

Consider positioning

Place content to be accessed first in a higher position on the page, with the fewest clicks required

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